Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Good Teacher : Good Planner (Lesson Plan)

Being a teacher is noble profession which is very expected to be able to teach, educate, plan, and inform the other.
Lesson Plan is one of teacher's tool to accompany in learning & teaching.
Here you go, my first Lesson Plan Making as a first step to be a good educator in the future... hehe amiin.

check this link below :

Lesson Plan of Junior High School English

Rizki Amalia Witri
English department
ICT  Section D Mid Test Assingnment – Lesson Plan
Daily Lesson Plan of Senior High School English
Recount Writing &
 Re-Telling Story
Source of material
English textbook for 1st grade of Senior High School & Internet
Grade of students
First grade of Senior High School
Number of students
Class period
2 days a week. 2 x 40 minutes a day
Teaching focus
Topik I
1.    Introduce and tell recount text on the textbook
2.    Tell about the tenses that’s used in recount text (simple past tense & past progressive)
Situation of Students

·         This is their second semester of learning English in Senior High School. They have to know the general structure and the function of Recount text.
·         This is the practice for their final exam so students have to know what kind of tenses must be used in recount text (simple past tense & past progressive).
·         They are brave enough to show up their skill. To drill their speking skill students have to perform ther own experience in front of the class.
Topik II
1.    Students performance
2.    Reparation gammar error.
Class period
2 days a week.
2 x 40 minutes a day
·         Students learn about recount text
·         Students learn how to work in group
·         Students can identify the sucture of te text
·         Students can use the appropriate grammar for recount text.
·         Students can perform their holiday story in front of the class
Teaching aids
Power Point/Prezi presentation, textbook, worksheets, whiteboard, quiz question list, teacher’s record.

Teaching Procedures
Topik 1 : Recount Text Writing
Teaching time
Teaching aids
Game :
·         Teacher asks students to get up from seat then gives them the game instuction.
·         Students sing a short song while throwing a bouncing ball to other student until the song stops.
·         Student who hold the ball when the song stops has to tell the other what she/he did yesterday.
10 minutes
1.      The teacher listens to the students sentence
2.      The teacher walks around the classroom to observe whether the students use the correct tenses.
One short song
Presentation I
·        Teacher avaluate their game activity.
·        Teacher presents the recount text Power Point (stucture, function & tenses)
20 minutes
While presenting teacher asks student questions
· Projector & PPt/Prezi presentation
· Textbook
Student Activity I
·        Teacher asks students to gather in group of 8
·        Teacher distributes the paper contains the example of recount text. Different title for each group.
·        Students work in group to analyze the text. Determine the structure, mention the sentences which use simple past tense & past progressive.
20 minutes
The teacher walks around the classroom to ensure all student work and discuss well.
group worksheet
Student Activity II
·         Present their work in front of class.
·         Student gives corretion to each other’s work.
20 minutes
Teacher gives score to each presentation depend on their quality of work
Wrap Up
·         Teacher evaluate today’s activity and ask the student reflection.
·         Teacher orders students to write their own holiday experience, send it to teacher’s email. In the next meeting (2 days later) students have to perform in front of class.
10  minutes
Teacher listens carefully students reflection and appreciate that

Teaching Procedures
Topik 2 : Re-Telling Story (Holiday Experience)
Teaching time
Teaching aids
·         Teacher reviews the previous meeting by giving the a short quiz
·         Students compete to get a chance to answer.
10 minutes
Teacher records students who can answer and gives a score.
Quiz question list
Student Activity
·         Stutents collect their sory text.
·         Students start to peform their story without text
·         Student is called randomly
·         Students pay attention and give respect to each others performance
60 minutes
· Teacher gives assessment according the performance (pronounciation, grammar, readiness).
·   Give a little comment to every performance.
Teacher’s assessment record
Wrap Up
·         Teacher fix the grammar error of students peformance
·         Teacher evaluates todays activity and ask students reflection.
·         Teachers asks atudents to prepare for the next meeting
10 minutes
Teacher listens carefully students reflection and appreciate that

Let me know your opinion guys!!!

pic resources:

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