Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Identity : The Meaning of My Name

Identity : The Meaning of My Name
            Human is human, the living creature with a lot of uniqueness that lives in society. However, there is something in human that becomes differentiator of a man to another. It is called identity. Every human being has the identity, name, address, age, ethnic, etc. From those, the identity that is often used and commonly important is name. Name is simply used to call someone for example. If we know the person that we going to call, we will call his or her name rather that we call them by using their adress, id number, etc.
            Sometimes a name is not only given as one of  identity for someone, but also as prayer of parents. Parents often put the name of their child with a set of hopes contained in a name. For example a girl names Nur or Nura, in arabic it means light. So the parents hope that their daughter will be a woman who brightens life. However, there are many of existing names that do not have meaning.
            My name, Rizki Amalia Witri, is contained hopes and prayers. Rizki Amalia Witri is taken from arabic words and my father’s last name. Rizki means rejeki or sustenance, and Amalia is from amalan means the deeds or practice. So, Rizki Amalia is the practiced sustenance, well, ya approximately it is. Then Witri was taken from my father’s last name, Witarsa, and Putri (a daughter of). So, witarsa Putri means the daughter of Witarsa. Yet, before my parents expected or hoped something from me, I am obviously the sustenance for them.
            Now, this name has been in me for 20 years. Well, yes Rizki sounds like a boy’s name but I feel comfort to bear it. I hope my parents’ hopes and expectation of me can be fulfilled and I can make them proud of me. If I had a chance to change my name, I would have to say that i do not want to change it, but if I had to, I would make it Lutfiana Witri almost the same with my sister’s name Yusiana Witri. I do not know the meaning of it,  but it sounds good. :D


Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

My Expectation of Humanistic Studies Course & The Reflection of “what do you think about ‘The other’?”

My Expectation
          I was always wondering about what Humanistic Studies (HS) course would be like. When I asked my seniors about this course, they told me like “that is a very unique course. You have to have a strong faith joining that”. That statement made me more curious about this course. Then finally we (me and this course) meet in this third semester. They are right; this course is very unique and interesting. I am going to learn about human, society, and else that related to that. I expect that I can follow the whole thing in this course and prevent not to be left behind. Also I hope that I will always have faith in learning so many things that I never learn before, for example the different culture, different language and even the different religion. I hope those will not make me lose my identity but make me to be multicultural.
My response toward “The Other”
          The first meeting of Humanistic Studies course was really impressive. We (the lecture, my class mates and I) discussed about what multicultural is and the character of person who is multicultural. Talking about multiculturalism we absolutely will find about the differences of human religion, background ethnic, language, skin tone, etc.
          Being multiculturalism is about having a tolerant toward “the other” people who have a different religion, different background ethnic, different language, and the other differences. What I think about “the other” is a really complex thought. I do give respect to those who have any difference with me and I do not treat them negatively because of it. I regard the difference as a natural, and one of the uniqueness of life. Even though the discomfort comes when (for example) I am in a situation that at that time there are only strangers around me with a different look or a different way of speaking, even skin tone. That is actually the time when my multiculturality is tested.
          In fact the differences often cause cleavage or split-up. It because each individual or one side feels better than others. The split-up can be from the small thing and simple until the big thing and complex. For example, the feud between friends due to differences of opinion, the nature and habits of life until inter-state wars because of religious differences. Again, this is where people tested how to live at peace with distinction.
          In my daily life, I admit that I prefer to get along with friends who are more alike with me (in appearance, taste, hobby, and attitude) than those who are totally different. That is because the comfort that I feel when I am hanging out and goofing with those who have hobby, taste of food and outfit, and sense of humor almost the same with me. That does not mean that I do not give respect to friends who come from different city, or friends who have different religion. I do not demand them to follow what I am or to be the same with me, but as long as they are fun, and give respect to me, I will always be good and nice to them. The only thing that can bother me is those who cannot give respect me and cannot accept who I am.
